We foster fund access, enhance brand identity, and deliver competitive advantage with cutting-edge impact reports.

Our idea

In today's push for sustainability, to avoid falling into greenwashing and presenting a facade of commitment without genuine action, we empower companies to measure and report their impact.

The absence of clearly articulated impact strategies, precise measurement methodologies, and standardized reporting frameworks leaves firms reporting their impact autonomously and manually. This can be very inefficient as it requires time, energy and expertise that might not always be available, especially in SMEs.

Our Solution

ESGI’s human-centered impact measurement approach:

Through personalized consultations, workshops and activities we guide you in understanding your impact, recommend targeted data points, and craft impactful reports.


WidEnergy Africa, a women-led company in Zambia dedicated to the last-mile distribution of clean, reliable, and affordable energy solutions.

Who we are

We are 3 university graduates in computer science, econometrics and finance. We met a few years ago at United World College (UWC), a Nobel peace prize nominee education system whose mission is to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.

Get in touch

Questions? Do not hesitate to contact us.

“Without data, you are just another person with an opinion” - Edwards Deming